Train Individuals... Build Communities

Physical Training and Consulting in Syosset

Disla Solutions is a local business offering unique services to help clients Remodel their Physical Structure. We focus on the Web of Fascia housing to muscles and organs to promote posture and flow of vital fluids over pure strength..

 using a variety of Physical stressors including Resistance Training, Cold Exposure and Electrical Stimulation...we can create conditions which allow us to move in a much more coordinated and stable way..

This can be effective for any variety of Physical Fitness goals like losing weight or improving tone and endurance..

In our approach considering Mechanical Tensions, Electrical Potentials and Pressure Differentials like temperature and air pressure.. we invite you to Get Curious about the deeper forces at play in our movement, our everyday lives..

Both in-person and in the comfort of their own homes. Our clients are learning about the forces of nature through a personalized fitness journey. 

We understand clients may be facing the mental resistance as they go into Physical Training..

 With years of experience backing them, audio hypnosis recordings with customized suggestions for your progress are available..

Our team is dedicated to finding ways that work to build stronger humans and are looking forward to seeing our clients grow. 

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